Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dear Arby's

Dear Arby's,

I will not be paying $5.01 for a combo. That is just out of the question. Five bucks, maybe. but Five and a penny OH HELL NO. I AM NOT PUTTING THE EXTRA PENNY ON MY DEBIT CARD nor am I going to search my car for a penny, should I be paying for cash.

I dont really think this coupon is all that ridiculous. I mean, it's saving you the hassle of finding a penny, and dealing with the 99 extra cents BofA takes out of yoru account for spending a penny.

ALSO, It's not even going to be a penny, because of taxes. SO DON'T TRY TO PULL THE WOOL OVER MY EYES, YOU DIRTY, GRAY-MEAT SANDWICH MAKIN THIEVES.