Friday, September 21, 2012

Dark and Twisty

So I've come to the recent conclusion that my mind is pretty "dark and twisty."

While most people can walk around with daily worries, or feeling mundane about the dreariness of life and let it get them down, I find that I take the same emotions and do the exact opposite.

(This post is about to get real / #realtalk)

When I was younger and would get into pissy moods, my mom always made me go in the bathroom and look at the face I was making in the mirror. It would make me laugh so hard that I would make an instant one-eighty. This might have taught me to rely on being upset, stressed or down on myself in order to appreciate the feeling of being happy. I remember wanting toys in stores and being so indecisive that my dad would literally have to carry me out, empty-handed. As much as it upset me, I learned that if I made a decision I would've been happier. Of course, I'll be using these tricks with my kids, I'd like to think that they paid off pretty well.

Let's get to the point: I love things that are sad. Sad songs, sad movies, sad plots on sitcoms. I love it all. Get me a spoon because I'm about to eat all that shit up. Honestly, there's nothing I like more than watching a sad movie or hearing a sad song. In a way, it makes me feel sad, but also appreciate the emotion itself. Coming from a psych background, I really do think that it's rooted to being an only child. No but really, think about it. I spent so much time as a child on my own with my imagination, entertaining myself that I was forced to learn how to cope with so many emotions and calm myself down on my own. If I was upset about something, I sat in my room and just let it stew into a pissy mood. Eventually, I would learn how to convert that energy into a positive mood so I could move on and spend more time with my imaginary pet elephant. ( I shit you not, I did have one. Ask anyone. . . even the elephant ). My point is, that the absence of happiness eventually taught me to appreciate its presence.

After all, darkness is merely the absence of light; evil the absence of good. So is sadness the absence of happiness? I believe that can be one answer. If someone tells you something sad, it is true that they are adding an element of sadness to your life at that moment but emotionally speaking, the state of being sad is one in which the neurotoxins that make you happy (serotonin and norepinephrine) aren't being produced as fast as usual. Therefore, your body literally has an absence of happiness during that time. Am I right? (As usual, I think I am. But whatever.)

My point is, I walk around now as a twenty-two year old college graduate with the mentality that if I'm sad, I'm also happy. It's very confusing. Inside, I love the idea of a constant struggle between sadness and happiness; having to win the daily battle to be happy. In mass last week, the priest celebrating the mass said something during his homily that hit pretty close to home. He said, "when you wake up in the morning, you make a conscious choice to be happy that day. And that's one battle won." I think this is why I feel so at-home in areas like customer service and various leadership roles; you can't let customers or fellow teammates/members see you struggling with the personal hardships in your life, so you push through and find something that motivates you into doing your best, all the while donning this tough, thriving cut-throat persona that helps you get the job done.

This makes me think of one of my recent favorite movies, "Black Swan." In the movie, Nina is struggling so hard with her role that it literally consumes her. Throughout the movie she puts on her tough-bitch face, deals with her demons and eventually blows the audience away. It's the build up to the climax of the movie that I love, and really speaks to me. Throughout the plot, Nina really lets her role get to her. She breaks down, gives into peer pressure, lashes out -- the usual signs of someone being under severe stress/pressure (minus the delusional thoughts that you're growing feathers from your shoulder blades, nix that part) However, there are several scenes where the mere intensity of what she has to put herself through make her turn her personal hell into, what some might say, ecstasy. She reaches such a high pinnacle during her performance, that she lets it overcome her, turning her into this dark, twisted performer who loves every bit of the cut-throat world that she is a part of. That, is what I like to use to describe myself: someone who takes all of the stresses of every day life, sticks it out and in the end, is a bad ass MOFO. But I'd like to... y'know... not turn into a freaking bird.

 #RealTalk #BlackSwan I've attached a video of the most bad-ass scene from the movie for your enjoyment. Apologies for the quality, some douche recorded it on his phone.

BTW, I was the Black Swan for Halloween last year. Not kidding.

So I hope this is shed some light on several things, one: my strange obsession with depression (sounds poetic, eh?) and two: that my degree in Psych really has paid off. Booyah.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Flip It. Kinda like Bop It. . . only nothing like that.

Digression of the week:

If I can't become successful enough in life to buy and flip houses like Jeff Lewis on "Flipping Out." I'm just going to find a nice, comfortable job at Wendy's.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What happens when you call apartment complexes after 8PM

So, as a new member in the ranks of the "functioning members of society" aka "The Employed," I am naturally in the need for a lace to live. A lair. A nest. An apartment. A chamber of sorts. So where do I turn in my time of need? Some random place I've never heard of that might, in fact, not even exist. And here's the almost semi-human phone conversation that I had at 11:15 PM.

Thinking that I'm about to leave a message at the front desk of a leasing office for these apartments, I dial the number. I figure "Hey. I'll leave a message, they'll call me tomorrow, bada bing I'll go visit, get a pamphlet and a cookie or two, be on my way."  What I got were perfect materials for a blog post.

(phone rings)
Computer voice: thank you for calling Blankety Blank apartments! This call may be recorded for quality service purposes. Please hold....... If you are a prospective renter and would like information about leasing one of our apartments in (voice changes to recorded hick voice) "Charlitt, North Kare-lynuh" please press one now

(laughing out loud, I press 1)
The voice continues: this call may be recorded for quality service purposes

Me: yes yes I know, you said that.

Little girl/childish voice: I'm sorry sir?

Me: holy crap!

Girl: yes, thank you for calling Blankity Black Apt Homes, how can I help you.
(the girl sounds like she's either scared, making a prank call, or maybe she even answered a random phone booth  on the street corner.)

Me, completely thrown off guard by a human voice: Well, I'd like to receive some more information about your apartments in Charlotte.

Girl: ok, like what?

Ok, stop right there. Freeze. In what universe does someone respond to a customer service call with "like what.." at least go into some memorized rant that you shoot out to all of your callers. But this girl literally sounds like she had never picked up a phone before.

Me, reluctantly: um, ok... Well first off, is the amenity fee blah blah blah blah(lots of details about the apartment that I saw on a renting website)

Girl: let me ... Look ... That.... Up.... I don't know.

Me: (wtf?) OK, well I noticed online (more minute details about the apartment location, amenities, etc)

Girl: let me look...that...up.... Yeah, I'm not sure.

Freeze. Is this chick googling crap for me? Listen, I could've done that... In fact that's how I found this number....

Me: OK, well can I get the office hours so I can drop by sometime tomorrow and take a tour or look at a model apt?

Girl: ok let me look up our... Houurrrss....

Freeze again. W.T.F is going on... You don't know what time the office in which you currently work is even open during the day!? Clearly it's open at night for God only knows WHAT reason, but you can't even take a gamble and just say "9 to 5?" I'm no certified genius, but I'm fairly positive that those hours have been the official American work hours for like...oh....50, 60 years? Gah. Spare me

Me: So they have you working during unusual hours and just keep secrets from you like normal operating hours for the front office?

Girl: um... I'm in the front office?

Me (I give up): cool...

Girl: anyway, yeah we don't take tours.

Stop.... I'm sorry, you don't take TOURS?! What do you mean you don't take tours. I'm pretty sure that if someone wants to see an apartment that you're trying to lease, you would probably show it to them

Me: is this a new complex that's under construction or something? And there aren't any completed apartments, so there's nothing to see yet?

Girl: Well, I don't really knooowwww... Oh! Wait, yep it says here not open til January of 2013, and it's still 2012, so....

There's a pause. I'm trying to comprehend why this drone of a human being A) doesn't know what year the apt complex she works for even OPENS and B) why she feels the need to tell me what year it is. I'm pretty sure that she's on the other end thinking that I'm flabbergasted by finding out that is, indeed, 2012 AD. She ingeniously picks up the conversation.

Girl: So what do you want to do? More questions?

Me: No, I'd actually like to discuss this 2012 information, I'm dumbstruck.

Girl: Yes, sir. It's September.

Me: oh my God....

Girl: So...

Me: ok, Nevermind. I'll send in an email to this contact information online and see if I can get an online brochure.

Girl: OK! Well can I get your information?

(I give her my information)

Girl: ok thanks, have a good night! Bye!

(she hangs up)

Thoroughly confused by what just happened, I fill out the information online to receive more info. Frankly because I'm not really sure how well this girl could have taken down my information in her Lisa Frank notebook, and also because I'm just curious to see if this place is real or if it's the NeverLand of apartment complexes. I half expected to get directions that said "second star on the right and straight on til morning." to which I would have replied "Um, no sir. Last time people from this world visited that place, they got shot at by pirates. And I don't have the time; I just started a new job and frankly... Just... No."

A few minutes later, not only do I get one email from this complex, but I get two. One with correct information and a second one, clearly dictated by after-hours front desk Girl, that misspelled my names in at least 7 different ways.

Both emails contained the same information, all of which I found the first time I found the complex online. I followed the link to the property's official website, and I was greeted wit a very brief yet informative message:


Verdict? Still not sure if this place exists, and I'm wondering how badly I pronounce name over the phone for people to have the chance to misspell it so badly.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Back to Reality.

Well, peeps it's been a little over a year since my last post. Let me catch you up to speed with my life.

1) After many trials and errors, I graduated with my BA. (Holllaaa!!!) 
YES! This means that I successfully completed a thesis, while maintaining a social life and my alcoholic tolerance levels. (Deserves an A in my book)

2) I still live in my college's town.
Alright, stop right there. I know what you're thinking. Ew. Move on and move out. Well guess what, idiot. It's rough out there in the real world! Also, I have no money to find an apartment right now so I'm basically couch surfing my way through life. Side note, if you haven't had a chance to do this with your life. Drop everything and do it now -- there's nothing in the world like experiencing hospitality at it's finest, while also testing the true fibers of your friendships :)

3) I am still obsessed with Mob Wives.
....What's your question....

4) And also Grey's Anatomy
Shut up. It's a good show. And what else was I supposed to do during my three months of unemployment? All I'm sayin' is, Season 9 starts in a few weeks and I am PUMPED. Get the DVR ready.

4) I'm employed now.
Well, followers, it happened. After approximately 3 months of thinking about dieting and instead sitting on the couch watching netflix, I joined the ranks of what I like to call "The Functioning People of Society."

That's basically it; my life in 4 bullet points. Sad? No, because if you follow me on twitter and are a friend of mine on the Book of Face, then you know about the rest of my life in the past 12 months. If you're a personal friend of mine, you know even more. And I'm extremely proud of my accomplishments, growth and dedication. (Who else do you know that has watched an entire eight-season series on Netflix/Hulu in one sitting? ....That's what I thought, because you're not friends with that many losers.) But fear not -- just because you might not have direct contact with me every day, doesn't mean you won't know what's going on. Welcome (Back) to the Wonderful World of BLOGGING!

Ahhh it feels good to be back. I don't know about you, bloggerz, but I have a good feeling about the future stories that are coming.