Well, peeps it's been a little over a year since my last post. Let me catch you up to speed with my life.
1) After many trials and errors, I graduated with my BA. (Holllaaa!!!)
YES! This means that I successfully completed a thesis, while maintaining a social life and my alcoholic tolerance levels. (Deserves an A in my book)
2) I still live in my college's town.
Alright, stop right there. I know what you're thinking. Ew. Move on and move out. Well guess what, idiot. It's rough out there in the real world! Also, I have no money to find an apartment right now so I'm basically couch surfing my way through life. Side note, if you haven't had a chance to do this with your life. Drop everything and do it now -- there's nothing in the world like experiencing hospitality at it's finest, while also testing the true fibers of your friendships :)
3) I am still obsessed with Mob Wives.
....What's your question....
4) And also Grey's Anatomy
Shut up. It's a good show. And what else was I supposed to do during my three months of unemployment? All I'm sayin' is, Season 9 starts in a few weeks and I am PUMPED. Get the DVR ready.
4) I'm employed now.
Well, followers, it happened. After approximately 3 months of thinking about dieting and instead sitting on the couch watching netflix, I joined the ranks of what I like to call "The Functioning People of Society."
That's basically it; my life in 4 bullet points. Sad? No, because if you follow me on twitter and are a friend of mine on the Book of Face, then you know about the rest of my life in the past 12 months. If you're a personal friend of mine, you know even more. And I'm extremely proud of my accomplishments, growth and dedication. (Who else do you know that has watched an entire eight-season series on Netflix/Hulu in one sitting? ....That's what I thought, because you're not friends with that many losers.) But fear not -- just because you might not have direct contact with me every day, doesn't mean you won't know what's going on. Welcome (Back) to the Wonderful World of BLOGGING!
Ahhh it feels good to be back. I don't know about you, bloggerz, but I have a good feeling about the future stories that are coming.
are you still "bluffin wit yo muff1n"