Thursday, July 9, 2009

Random Though Numero Uno. 7/9/2009

My name is Johnny Hohenstein (pronounced Ho-en-stein, hope you know your German) and I am a Witty Blog Enthusiast. This means that in the time it takes you to read this blog, I will have written a blog that is completely witty in less than thirty minutes. I believe that my thoughts are random and, alas, witty enough to be written down into a blog-like form. I had this random thought just now, and well HERE I AM (throws open a curtain). I intend on having a title for this blog that is equally as witty. I'm thinking:

-I feel Witty, Oh so Witty
-Soemthing Witty This Way Comes
-At Wit's End.

Random thought number one: ( a monumental occasion)

Why would I want to buy Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, when I can buy Apple Jacks. They're colored, and had a much catchier commercial back in the 90's.

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